Call For Consultancy

Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) in collaboration with UNFPA under funding support
from the Government of Finland, is implementing the Chaguo Langu Haki Yangu (CLHY) program in Kahama
and Kishapu District, Shinyanga Region, and Butiama and Tarime Districts, Mara Region.
The CLHY aims to empower young women and adolescent girls, particularly women and girls with disabilities
to enjoy their right to live free from violence and harmful practices, such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
and child marriage.

On the same note, WiLDAF has intensified efforts to build strong network of feminist leaders with force to drive changes and promote gender equality. Through the CSOs Women Directors Forum, WiLDAF has rolled out training to feminist leaders as well as mentorship and coaching to promote intergenerational and peer learning for stronger and sustainable women movement. In addition to that, WiLDAF has continued documentation of the second volume of the herstory journal to celebrate and keep record of the remarkable journeys. The book also aims to inspire young and upcoming feminist leaders by learning from the previous generation.

For more info please click the link:  TERMS OF REFERENCE – GENDER ASSESSMENT 2024