16 Days 2018 Of Activism Campaign

On the year 2018; 16 days of activism campaign brought on board all duty bearers in order to take concrete steps toward bridging the public and private spheres and reaching institutions, communities, families, and individuals including children and reshaping perceptions of violence as well as gender roles between men and women. The campaign contributed towards the vision of NPA-VAWC, which envisions a Tanzania where women and children enjoy their rights to a violent free environment.


International theme of the campaign: “End Gender-Based Violence in the World of Work”.

  • The term “world of work” allows the response to the complex and multifaceted ways that violence and harassment affects workers and their ability to work in a safe environment. It also ensures a comprehensive approach to protection by expanding the areas of intervention to address gender-based violence, such as the inclusion of provisions to protect and support victims of domestic violence.

National theme of the campaign “Her Safety: My Responsibility is a call to take responsibility”

  • Everyone was ask to take concrete steps to question, call out, and speak up against acts of gender-based violence (GBV) that happens at work, schools, institutions, public transport, streets, hospitals etc. In response to 2018 year theme we called everyone to Think, pay attention to violence happening in our society, and find the possible ways to support survivors. Act, and intervene by adding your voice to call out violence.  Engage organizations working to end violence, and be the change you want to see.

The event officiated by the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Kassim Majaliwa (MP).

The aim of this festival was to:

  1. To bring women, men and youth to interact and discuss challenges against fighting for GBV.
  2. To provide platform for actors to promote women empowerment in the workplace
  3. To provide an opportunity for youth to promote a culture of non- violence relationship.

Hashtagssuchas#hearmetoo,#UsalamaWakeWajibuWangu,#siku16,#16days, #hersafetymyresponsibility, sparked in the organizations, development partner, journalists, media houses and individual’s social media accounts and pages for almost a month as they felt the ownership and obligated to raise their voices against gender-based violence.  Only #UsalamaWakeWajibuWangu had 795 tweets, 125 contributors, and earned 5.6M potential impressions whereas the hashtag #HerSafetyMyResponsibility had 508 tweets, 146 contributors and earned 5.3M potential impressions.