16 Days Of Activism Against Gender Based Violence 2023

WiLDAF has utilized the commemoration of the 16 Days of Activism to promote social activism in ending GBV. The 2023 campaign brought immerse success across different levels. The campaign was able to directly reach 10,946 (4,778 Male and 6,168 Female) through different activities commemorated during the campaign. Moreover, the 2023 campaign reached more than 15 million citizens with advocacy messages through hashtags such as #ZuiaUkatili, #16DaysTz, #16DaysOfActivism, #Siku16. In a specific way, the #ZuiaUkatiliWaKijinsia reached more than 8.8million people. More than 2,000 people participated in the twibbonize campaign with messages shared on various platforms such as whatsapp, twitter, facebook and Instagram. On the other hand, traditional media including TV, Radio and Newspapers coverage reached more than 20 million citizens with messages for supporting changes to end GBV in all its forms.

With wide number of people reached, the campaign was also able to influence commitments from the Government to implement effective measures to eliminate violence against women and children in the country. For instance, during the national launch of the campaign, Honorable Dorothy Gwajima was quoted reiterating the Government commitment to expediate the development National Plan of Action to End Violence Against Women and Children. Responding to GBV MKUKI Coalition campaign asks, Honorable Gwajima tasked the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary to organize a technical meeting with Permanent Secretaries from respective ministries and submit the report to her about the viability of their implementation.

This year successes are attributed to effective strategies designed to put communities and grassroot activism at the centre of the 2023 campaign. Additionally, the campaign focused on younger generation of boys in particular the famous group of motorcyclists ‘bodaboda’ who could play vital role to spread messages as well as report incidences of violence.

In efforts to bring the campaign closer to communities and inspire grassroots activism, GBV MKUKI Coalition organized Anti-GBV Caravan being part of commemorating the campaign. The Anti-GBV Caravan was made possible through generous support and contributions from the Embassy of Switzerland and USAID (through PACT Tanzania). The Anti-GBV Caravan visited and held community dialogues in 8 regions namely; Gairo – Morogoro, Bahi – Dodoma, Manyoni – Singida, Igunga – Tabora, Bukoba urban-Kagera, Kakonko – Kigoma, Chato – Geita and Tarime – Mara enriching targeted communities with messages on GBV and promoting community activism in partnership with local leaders who formed integral parts of the caravan.

The Anti-GBV caravan community dialogues targeted women and youth in markets, public transport (daladala) stations, Motorcyclists (bodaboda) and tricycle (bajaji) points. These are areas that lead to violent incidences in public domain requiring special attention. Also, given the number of people motorcyclists interact with every day, making them champions for gender equality has multiplier effects towards eliminating violence in the private domain as well.

The caravan also targeted mosques and churches to mobilize support from religious leaders in ending GBV. Successfully, the campaign reached and established Anti-GBV clubs in 17 motorcycle stands ‘vijiwe vya bodaboda’, 7 markets, 5 mosques and 4 churches.

Also, as part of 16 days of activism against GBV, WiLDAF awarded countrywide Anti-GBV Champions on 7th December 2023 at Cardinal Rugambwa hall in Dar es salaam. The award which is in its 4th successive year aims at celebrating 16 heroes who have tirelessly to ensure the world becomes a safer place.

On her opening address, WiLDAF National Coordinator Advocate Anna Kulaya emphasized on having citizens investing in anti-GBV. She revealed that for 4 years in a row, WiLDAF has been awarding average Tanzanians who have been using their energy, mind and resources against GBV either in helping themselves or others in Tanzanian society. She commended all those who were shortlisted and informed them that their commitment and dedication against GBV is vivid and visible.