The session will amplify best practices related to Beijing +30, focusing on women’s land rights, women in the mining sector, the intersection of gender-based violence (GBV) and land rights, and access to economic resources for poverty eradication and gender equality. It will feature a panel of experts, including practitioners in women’s land rights, land tenure, gender equality, and women in mining. Panelists will share successful programs that secure tenure rights for women, promote economic justice, and empower women economically.
The panel will share effective approaches to localize the Generation Equality Forum through multistakeholder partnerships, with an emphasis on scaling results in women’s access to land as a key productive resource, women in mining, and GBV support systems. It will also highlight government programs designed to empower women in Tanzania. The session aims to influence regional discussions, including “The Africa We Want,” and global conversations on women’s land rights, gender equality, and poverty eradication in alignment with Beijing +30 goals