Wanawake Sasa – Ziara kwa Vyama vya Siasa Katika kuadhimisha Mwezi wa Wanawake Duniani, WiLDAF kwa kushirikiana na Ofisi ya Msajili wa Vyama vya Siasa tunaendelea kuhakikisha mazingira rafiki kwa ushiriki wa wanawake katika siasa. Tumeshatembelea vyama mbalimbali kukusanya maoni…
International Women’s Day – 8th March 2025 Heri ya mwezi wa wanawake duniani,Mwezi machi ni mwezi ambao tunasherehekea jitihada za wanawake na Kutathmini harakati za kumkomboa mwanamke.Tunashirikiana na Serikali na wadau wengine katika Maadhimisho haya yenye kelele chake tarehe 8/3/2025…
CSW69- SIDE EVENT The session will amplify best practices related to Beijing +30, focusing on women’s land rights, women in the mining sector, the intersection of gender-based violence (GBV) and land rights, and access to economic resources for poverty eradication…
International Women’s Day – 8th March 2025
Call For Consultancy – GREO Data Analysis & Report Writing WiLDAF is implementing a project titled “Wanawake Sasa”. The project seeks to strengthen women’s and girls’ civic and political participation for inclusive governance and sustained democracy. The project’s main objective…
Call For Consultancy – ERP System Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) Tanzania is a non-profit organization established in 1997. It is part of a large Pan-African network dedicated to promoting and strengthening strategies that link Law and…
External Auditor for WiLDAF’s accounts for the year ending December 2024 Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) Tanzania is a non-profit organization established in 1997. It is part of a large Pan-African network dedicated to promoting and strengthening strategies…
Consultant for Developing GBV Case Management Guideline Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF), in collaboration with UNFPA with funding support from the Government of Finland, is implementing the Chaguo Langu Haki Yangu (CLHY) program in Kahama and Kishapu…
Call For Exhibitors During The 16 Days of Activism Campaign WiLDAF Tanzania as a coordinator of GBV MKUKI Coalition in collaboration with the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women, and Special Groups would like to invite all organizations that wish…
16 Champions of Change -Anti GBV Awards 2024 WiLDAF and GBV MKUKI Coalition will organize GBV prevention and response innovative award day to recognize and honor innovation, creativity and efforts of extraordinary individuals, organizations and communities who have taken tremendous…