Our Approaches

With unwavering determination, a focused outlook, and empathy at our core, we actively intervene, educate, and advocate to eradicate violence against women.

Our Work to Prevent Violence Against Women

Capacity Building

WiLDAF empowers paralegals through specialized legal training, equipping them to deliver crucial legal aid directly within their communities, expediting access to justice where it’s needed most. We champion the formal recognition of paralegals, ensuring their pivotal role is acknowledged and supported. Additionally, WiLDAF spearheads ‘Training of Trainers’ programs focused on

gender-based violence (GBV) education and advocacy for women’s rights. We foster both individual and institutional growth, enhancing capabilities in women’s human rights while nurturing female leadership and economic empowerment through comprehensive training and mentorship initiatives.

Networking And Coalition Building

In the dynamic landscape of non-profit work, networking and coalition building emerge as powerful tools, offering a roadmap for NGOs to amplify their effectiveness and broaden their impact.

Recognized as cost-efficient strategies, especially for smaller and widely dispersed organizations, networking serves as a conduit for sharing grassroots insights, innovative solutions, and best practices. As an active member of various networks spanning all levels, WiLDAF leverages these connections to engage in vibrant exchanges, policy dialogues, and community-driven events. Through these collaborations, WiLDAF elevates critical women’s rights issues, advocating for policy reforms and mobilizing communities to champion gender equality.

WiLDAF prioritizes capacity-building initiatives tailored to women and gender activists, fostering peer learning environments and empowering members to harness local expertise for sustainable change.

Embracing the ethos of unity, our networking endeavors aim to amplify the collective voice of NGOs, paving the way for impactful policy negotiations and advocacy efforts. WiLDAF’s multifaceted approach, spanning campaigns against gender-based violence and the establishment of national coalitions focused on GBV, underscores our commitment to catalyzing systemic change and fostering inclusive dialogue.

Communication And Advocacy For Legal Rights For Women

WiLDAF in collaboration with its network members and government working towards review, enactment and develop gender sensitive policies and laws that tackle GBV and protect women and children. Also, WiLDAF is working hard to socially change and support the rights of all women and children’s in Tanzania.

Awareness Creation On Gender Based Violence

WiLDAF is on a mission to ignite community consciousness about women’s rights through robust sensitization and awareness campaigns. By empowering communities with knowledge, we aim to foster proactive responses and safeguard women’s human rights, cultivating a culture of zero tolerance towards gender-based violence (GBV) and nurturing healthy, non-violent relationships. Central to our efforts is a drive to reshape citizens’ mindsets regarding norms, beliefs, and values that perpetuate GBV, while championing equality and equity between women and men.

Our GBV-VAWC Campaigns and Forums:

  1. The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign:

WiLDAF proudly spearheads the renowned 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence in Tanzania. This groundbreaking campaign serves as a rallying cry, uniting communities, government bodies, activists, civil society, and other stakeholders in a collective endeavor to eradicate VAWC and promote gender equality. Since 1996, WiLDAF has led and coordinated this transformative campaign in Tanzania, commemorating it annually from November 25th to December 10th.

  1. Organizing Forums on Women’s Human Rights:
  • African Women’s Day:

A celebration of African women’s indomitable spirit in the 1ight for freedom, equality, justice, and empowerment. For the past decade, WiLDAF has marked this significant day with fervor, honoring the invaluable contributions of African women in Tanzania.

  • Day of the Girl Child:

Each year, WiLDAF convenes this forum to shed light on the unique challenges faced by students, particularly girl students. It serves as a platform for dialogue, advocacy, and action, amplifying the voices of young girls and championing their rights.

Emergency Response System

When it comes to Gender-based Violence (GBV), timely action is paramount for survivors. WiLDAF stands at the forefront of response and prevention efforts, particularly in combating Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC). Our innovative Emergency Response System (ERS) ensures that survivors receive immediate support when their rights are violated. In close collaboration with government agencies and networking organizations, WiLDAF offers a comprehensive array of services, including legal aid, counseling, emotional support, psychological assistance, medical care, and shelter.

Through the ERS, we’ve extended our reach to communities nationwide, empowering GBV survivors to access vital assistance swiftly. Whether through our Toll-Free Call Number 0800780070 or mobile lines 0685559954 / 0624475478, individuals in need can connect with us anytime, anywhere.

WiLDAF remains dedicated to providing a lifeline for those affected by GBV, ensuring that no survivor is left to face their ordeal alone.

  1. Legal Aid Services:

The Legal Aid Department operates round the clock to address GBV-related incidents, with physical offices open Monday through Thursday from 07:30 a.m. to 04:30 p.m., and on Fridays from 07:30a.m. to 01:30 p.m. Our legal aid services serve as a direct link, swiftly connecting GBV survivors with the Police Gender Desk and healthcare providers for immediate action.

In our mission to broaden women’s access to justice, WiLDAF has established the Tanzania Legal Aid Providers (TANLAP) Secretariat. This network is dedicated to coordinating legal aid services and promoting human rights awareness among non-governmental organizations. TANLAP sets rigorous standards for service provision and spearheads initiatives for continuous improvement.

  1. Strengthening the Referral System for GBV Survivors:

WiLDAF, in collaboration with stakeholders, is committed to fortifying the GBV Survivor Directory to ensure top-tier care and access to legal services. Continuously updated, this directory incorporates new service providers in various regions, guaranteeing comprehensive support for survivors of GBV.