Our Priority Intervention Programs

Increased Access To Justice For Women, Girls, And Other Marginalized Citizens

WiLDAF will be at the forefront, tirelessly closing the divide between formal and informal systems through dynamic legal empowerment programs. Picture this: a future where women, girls, and marginalized groups continually stride towards justice with our unwavering support.

Imagine a symphony of voices rising together, as justice providers, women’s civil society organizations, human rights defenders, and local communities join forces. It’s not just collaboration; it’s a movement towards gender-responsive justice that pulses with energy and purpose. But we won’t stop there. We’ll be the champions for change, advocating for a criminal justice system that stands strong against abuse and discrimination. Every step we take will be towards ensuring effective response services for those in need.

And when it comes to laws that hold women back, we’re not waiting for change—we’re demanding it. We will continue to advocate for the review and/or enactment of gender responsive laws.

This includes among others the following laws:

  1. The Law of Marriage Act, 1971
  2. The Customary Laws of Inheritance,1963
  3. Domestic Violence Law or Comprehensive Gender-Based Violence Law
  4. The Citizenship Act,
  5. The Political Parties Act
  6. The National Election Act
  7. The Election Finance Act

Furthermore, WiLDAF will be advocating for the ratification and domestication of sub-regional, regional, and international human rights instruments. Key among these international instruments will be:

  1. Ratification of the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 -ILO Convention190
  2. Country Program Document-CPD 
  3. Development of Convention against Gender-Based Violence

Reduced Gender Based Violence To End Violence Against Women And Children

WiLDAF delves deep into GBV trends, honing in on often-overlooked areas like workplaces, public transport, and online spaces. Our mission? To fortify every sector for everyone’s safety. We’re not just discussing; we’re forging partnerships and taking swift action fueled by evidence-based research. We’re amplifying the voices of girls and women through robust feminist agendas. 

In an effort to bolster our work, we’re launching programs that don’t just address violence; they ignite societal transformation. Communities rallying together, empowered champions leading the charge for change, including male champions. Together, we’re reshaping mindsets and combating VAWC at its roots.

In terms of prevention, we’re starting early. We’re empowering children to speak up and stand against violence through our Shule Salama Clubs. Because safer learning spaces pave the way for brighter futures.

But our collaboration doesn’t end there. We’re teaming up with the government to ensure their plans hit the ground running. From bolstering the capacity of duty bearers to establishing robust referral mechanisms, our commitment knows no bounds.

And let’s not forget about shelter services. We’re not just acknowledging the need; we’re taking decisive action. One shelter in Dar es Salaam marks just the beginning. We’re uniting with like-minded organizations to expand shelter services nationwide.

The journey though, is never ending. As we proceed onward in our work, we’re taking our message nationwide, rallying against GBV with campaigns that resonate. From the 16 Days of Activism to International Women’s Day, every moment counts in our light for a safer, more equitable world.

Strengthened Women’s And Young Women’s Participation In Leadership And Feminist Movements.

Women participation and representation in leadership and decision-making process is recognized by international, regional, and national legal instruments. Recognizing the role of women in leadership and decision-making processes, Tanzania retains a system where women are allowed, through an affirmative action introduced by Article 66(1)(b) of the Tanzanian Constitution, women have been assigned 30% in parliament and all local government elections. Section 86A (1) of the Local Government (Elections) Act provides expressly that: ‘There shall be women special seats in the local authorities as provided for under the Local Government (District Authorities) Act and the Local Government (Urban Authorities) Act.’ See also Regulation 61(1) of the Local Authorities (Councilors’ Elections) Regulations (2020), G.N. No. 401 published on 5/6/2020.

Despite the efforts made by the Government and other stakeholders, women are underrepresented in decision making bodies as per gender parity threshold of 50:50. Currently, women occupy only 37.6% of parliamentary seats while at the district level and below, they represent only 10% of the political elite. The ineffective participation and underrepresentation are caused by both institutional and socio-cultural challenges, which include gender blind laws and policies governing democratic processes, patriarchy norms and values embedded in the social settings.

WiLDAF commits to engaging and collaborating with the Government and Political Parties to improve the conducive legal and institutional environment for women participation in politics and leadership positions. WiLDAF will also engage with the private sector to ensure women’s representation in leadership positions in companies and institutions is strengthened.

WiLDAF believes in strong the feministic ideology towards achieving 50:50 representation of women and men in all levels of decision-making positions, since feminist leadership is both about who holds power, what you do with power, self-awareness, self-care, dismantling bias and supporting inclusion. Thus, WiLDAF believes that to challenge longstanding stereotypes regarding who is entitled to hold power, gender parity in positions of power is an important objective to be pursued. This is a necessary, but not sufficient, step to ensure feminist leadership,
which shares power and responsibility in an inclusive, intersectional, and participatory manner.

In the coming five years, WiLDAF strives to build strong feminist movements committed to an intersectional approach that will challenge the current systems of criminalization, discrimination, and inequality. WiLDAF will support like-minded partners that promote innovative solutions, through processes of co-creation and collaboration. WiLDAF is committed to promote feminist leadership which offers new, transformative, and
innovative approaches that model broader participation of diverse partners, and a greater commitment to democratic principles.

WiLDAF envisions a feminist movement which will strengthen capacity of women-led and girls-led organizations to carry out agendas and hold government accountable. Special attention will be given to the impact of COVID19 on households where access to education was impeded, and the burden of care increased. WiLDAF is committed to strengthen feminist movement that will draw attention on the critical need for increased gender segregated data collection, use, and financing to support evidence-based policymaking.

Bodily Autonomy and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

Women and girls have the right to make decisions concerning their bodies, including fertility and sexuality, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. In health care contexts, the rights to informed consent and confidentiality are vital to ensuring free decision-making. Participation of women and girls, and people with disabilities in all decision-making processes, which impact their rights, including bodily autonomy and SRHR, is vital for building an equal and just future.

Women and girls, are increasingly deliberately targeted for and subjected to various forms of violence and abuse, including rape; arbitrary killings; torture and mutilation; sexual violence and slavery; child, early and forced marriage; forced prostitution and forced impregnation; and forced termination of pregnancy and sterilization. Furthermore, they are also deprived of access to essential health care, including SRHR information and services, leaving them more vulnerable to high rates of unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortion, maternal and low birth weight, miscarriage, premature labour, and sexually-transmitted infections due to disintegrating health systems, unsafe environments, mobility restrictions and preexisting structural barriers. The lack and denial of SRH services is a direct violation of human rights, which perpetuates gender inequality and impedes inclusive and sustainable development.


Furthermore, people with disabilities, including women and girls, face additional barriers to accessing healthcare, assistive devices, wheelchairs, and medicines. People with disabilities often are also unable to access their rights to SRHR, both due to lack of trained medical professionals as well as laws which limit their autonomy by giving other individuals, such as family members or doctors, the right to make decisions for them without their consent, including about contraception, abortion, and sterilization.

WiLDAF intends to fill in this gap through intensive knowledge dissemination, awareness raising, capacity strengthening and advocating for laws and policies that will promote sexual and reproductive health and rights and bodily autonomy.

WiLDAF will advocate for the provision of SRHR services in a comprehensive manner and without discrimination, as well as advocate for full access to SRHR information and services for all women and girls, addresses the need to invest in health systems through the development and strengthening of the capacities of national institutions to ensure equal access to healthcare, including SRHR services.

Enhance Women’s Economic Justice and Rights.

The Government of Tanzania has made a bold commitment to propel women’s economic rights forward through the Generation Equality Forum’s Action Coalitions platform. This isn’t just a vision; it’s the passion of Her Excellency, Samia Suluhu Hassan, the 6th phase President of the United Republic of Tanzania, who has pledged to lead its implementation. WiLDAF sees this as a golden opportunity to spearhead the expansion of dignified work opportunities for women in both formal and informal economies. Our aim? To amplify women’s access, control, and ownership of resources and opportunities, unleashing their full potential.

Over the next five years, WiLDAF will be at the forefront, advocating for the rati1cation of ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment. We’ll be strengthening enterprises, business institutions, and workers’ unions, empowering them to create robust frameworks that foster safer environments for women’s participation. Additionally, we’ll be empowering women to seize existing opportunities and forge connections within Tanzania and beyond.

But our work doesn’t stop there. We’re committed to shaping more conducive legal and policy frameworks that promote women’s access to resources and opportunities. Teaming up with Thematic Area 1: Increased Access to Justice for Women, Girls, and Other Marginalized Citizens, WiLDAF will lead the charge in reviewing discriminatory inheritance laws that hinder women and girls from inheriting land.

Recognizing the pressing impact of climate change on economies and livelihoods, WiLDAF is integrating a climate resilience component into our economic justice programs. We’re empowering women and girls to develop and implement activities that not only withstand the challenges of climate change but also contribute to safeguarding the environment. It’s time to unleash the full potential of women as leaders and change-makers in building a more equitable and sustainable future.

Partnership and Institutional capacity.

Institutional strengthening is key to successful implementation of this strategy. As a networking organization, WiLDAF institutional strengthening entails broad ability to deliver impactful and sustainable programs ability to deliver effective programs by the organization and its members. At the organizational level, for the next five years the focus shall be on; Governance; Human Resources; Finance; Programme; Operation; Communication; External
Relations and Resource Mobilization. 

WiLDAF will make major investment in technology to support migration into digital world. It is anticipated that by 2027 all organization systems and operations will be digital. For network members WiLDAF will continue providing support to ensure they are able to design and implement effective gender transformative programs. WiLDAF will further empower network members to improve on governance and resource mobilizations to support their programs.